Wednesday, May 7, 2008

சவுதியில் உலகத் தரம் வாய்ந்த பல்கலைக்கழகம்

Subject: Scholarships at Saudi University planned to be a world class

Assalamu alaikkum!

Saudi Arabia is setting up a technological university
that is scheduled to open in Sept 2009 and is aggressively planning to make it as one of the most leading technological universities in the world, spending 10
billion dollars, which is more than what was spent on MIT.

In order to make it a world class technology institute
it has decided to sponsor 500 students world wide who are
currently doing their engineering degrees. They would sponsor your
existing education tution fees and a stipend at your existing
university in India and fully fund your studies in MS in Saudi along
with a handsome stipend so that it attracts some of the
brightest minds in engineering in the world that could help it in making it
a top class universtiy. It has employing some of the leading
faculties and some Nobel price winners as part of their faculty. It is
completely based on Merit and as part of their first round, no students
from India were selected. Now the second round is scheduled to
close on May 10.

This is an ideal oppurtunity for the bright students to
pursue their
education and expect top class faculty and research
guides and they
will get some of the best jobs in the middle east.
http://www.kaust. discovery-
scholarships. aspx

This is completely based on merit irrespective of
religion or race
and people from all places are welcome to apply.

On the other side: This university would be outside the
government islamic rule. Some of them are that this
would be the
first co-ed campus in the kingdom and women would be
allowed to wear
non-traditional dresses.

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