Monday, July 14, 2008

தஃப்ஹீமுல்குர்ஆன் இணையத்தில்

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam......!

அஸ்ஸலாமு அலைக்கும் ( வரஹ் )

Quran is the book of knowlegde,and knowledge is a shield by which one can defend himself.
We travel miles ,spend thousands and worry a lot to gain worldly knowledge from wherever we want.
But do not bother much to know what lies inside the beautifully covered book ,at the bookshelf ,just next to us.
If one could realize,it is an ocean of knowledge which not only guides us about our life in this world, but also tells us about the life hereafter,of which
thousands of people are not sure of.
Let us all make a habit of reading at least one page of quran with meaning daily before starting our day at work.It will not take much of our time ,but surely we will end up with 365 pages yearly,which is better than none.

My dear Brothers/Sisters in Islam......!

Islam is a complete way of life and Quran is an instruction manual which tells us how to operate this machine of life.
Tell me how can we operate a machine without reading and understanding an instruction manual.....???
Tell me how can we sell and represent a product ,without knowing about the product.
Quran is not a book to wrap in a beatiful cover, it is a system to implement in our lives to improve quality and to gain peace in both lives.

I wish everyone of us understands its message broad mindedly to implement in the life.

Our prophet( PBUH )said ''I am leaving two things with my Ummah,The Quran and my Sunnah,Please hold upon them tightly You will never go astray".
So,this is our duty to understand the true message of Islam based upon Quran and Sahi Ahadith.

Please pass this message to your friends and relatives as much as you can.I cant promise anything the way it is promised in various mails that you receive very often,
promisig good news within 10 days or so.But i can promise what Allah and our beloved prophet (pbuh)has already promised some 1400 years back.

For your information ,below is the link to access Tafheem-ul-Quran online,written by Maulana Abul Ala Maududi,a well known Islamic Scholar,
who has contributed a lot to Islam.
This is to enable you to access Tafheem from anywhere,whenever you want.
The advantage of this tafheem is that ,it is the first tafseer of its time which was made easy to understand by all people from different walks of life.

The Link:-

Please pray for me,and the person who made this available online,and the entire Ummah.

Your Brother in faith,
Javeed Iqbal Sait

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